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ICBC: We are accepting a limited number of ICBC patients for specific practitioners only: Acupuncture - David Malcolm and RMT - Sarah Marzabadi
WORKSAFE CLAIMS: We do not accept any WorkSafe BC claims.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Your appointment time is reserved just for you. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapists’ day that could have been filled by another patient. As such, we require minimum 24 hour notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. Patients who provide less than 24 hour notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged a full cost of the treatment as a cancellation fee.
DADA PALESOVA, RMT: Dada is currently not accepting new clients. Please book with other RMTs.
MICHAL KAPIC, DOMP: Michal is currently not accepting new adult clients. Please book with other Manual Osteopaths. For children 3 month - 12 years old, please choose Pediatric Assessment & Treatment from Michal’s list.
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Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture is an age-old and time-honored system that is an effective treatment for a great variety of conditions. By stimulating your body's central nervous system, biochemical changes affect your muscles, spinal column, and brain, stimulating the body's natural healing abilities while quickly promoting a sense of physical and emotional wellness. Acupuncture can help you experience a pain-free life. There are a surprising amount of studies that demonstrate that many conditions are resolved with acupuncture to a greater extent than any other treatments or medication with the added benefit of no side effects.
Many people struggling with chronic pain seek the relief acupuncture brings. Benefits far exceed the mere provision of pain relief and can assist with the reduction of acute symptoms of disease and provide a sense of emotional well.
Acupuncture therapies can treat:
Sciatica, Back and Neck Pain, Sports and Motor Vehicle Injuries, Stress, High Blood Pressure, Insomnia, Fatigue, Migraines and Headaches, Depression and Anxiety, Chemotherapy Side Effects, Fibromyalgia, Eczema and Psoriasis, Gout, Diabetes Symptoms, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Shingles, TMJ, Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain/Frozen Shoulder, General Pain, Menopause, PMS, Impotence, Infertility, Diminished Libido, Asthma, Allergies, Immune Enhancement, Digestive Problems - IBS, Ulcer, Reflux etc.,s All Addictions, Weight Loss, Cesmetic Treatments, Dementia and Alzheimer's, Plantar Fasciitis
Osteopathy is a complete system of health care emphasizing a whole-person approach to medicine. It is based on the principle that is crucial for well-being - the good health and harmonious interrelation of the skeleton, muscles, ligaments, organs and connective tissue.
Osteopathic treatment involves using the hands for complete and sophisticated diagnosis and treatment. Orthopedic and other manual tests and techniques are used to find and treat the root causes of dysfunction It is suitable for almost anyone and can contribute to the treatment and management of a wide range of conditions. Osteopathic practitioners primarily focus on restoring optimal functioning to bones, muscles, fascia, nerves and organs.
**Please be aware that Osteopathy is not regulated, and Osteopathic practitioners may have different coverage depending on the association they are affiliated with. Always check with your benefits administrator for information about your group plan and benefits with respect to coverage for the services of Osteopathic practitioners. It is important to note that osteopathy treatment can not be billed directly to insurance companies. You will be given an invoice with the practitioner’s license number to submit to your insurance provider. In the event the claim(s) are declined by the insurer/plan administrator, you remain responsible for payment to the provider/practitioner for any services rendered and/ or supplies provided (Please do not book with Mehrdad Darvish, Jenna Mellor and Chelsea Harding if you have coverage through CanadaLife or Industrial Alliance and are hoping to get reimbursed)**.
Osteopathy & Rolfing
Structural osteopathy is a physical hands-on treatment involving fascia manipulation, muscle stretching and joint mobilization. After initial diagnosis of restrictions and a treatment plan, the actual treatment becomes very specific and directed to the tissues maintaining that problem. In a session, we use various techniques as are strain/country strain technique, balanced ligamentous tension technique, muscle energy technique (MET) and others. These techniques are gentle, safe, painless and very effective. Osteopathic practitioners develop a very sensitive sense of touch to master osteopathic palpation. Palpation is what makes manual osteopathy different from other forms of therapy.
Rolfing, also known as Structural Integration ( SI ) is a technique for aligning and balancing the body and its segments – head, shoulders, thorax, pelvis and legs through the manipulation of the fascia, strong connective tissue that envelopes and isolates muscles, covers bones, and surrounds the heart, lungs and other internal organs. Through direct pressure, Rolfing loosens and releases the fascia. It restores its flexibility and elasticity that can be lost through injury, accidents, illness, trauma, repetitive movement, ageing, and strain which can lead to chronic pain.
Please be aware that Osteopathy is not regulated, and Osteopathic practitioners may have different coverage depending on the association they are affiliated with. Always check with your benefits administrator for information about your group plan and benefits with respect to coverage for the services of Osteopathic practitioners. It is important to note that osteopathy treatment can not be billed directly to insurance companies. You will be given an invoice with the practitioner’s license number to submit to your insurance provider. In the event the claim(s) are declined by the insurer/plan administrator, you remain responsible for payment to the provider/practitioner for any services rendered and/ or supplies provided.
Rolfing & Massage Therapy
Rolfing, also known as Structural Integration ( SI ) is a technique for aligning and balancing the body and its segments – head, shoulders, thorax, pelvis and legs through the manipulation of the fascia, strong connective tissue that envelopes and isolates muscles, covers bones, and surrounds the heart, lungs and other internal organs. Through direct pressure, Rolfing loosens and releases the fascia. It restores its flexibility and elasticity that can be lost through injury, accidents, illness, trauma, repetitive movement, ageing, and strain which can lead to chronic pain.
Physiotherapy is collaborative treatment approach to restore, maintain, and optimize a client’s mobility, strength, function, well-being, and overall quality of life. Physiotherapists are recognized for their expertise in non-surgical treatment of a wide range of musculoskeletal and orthopaedic conditions and injuries.
Registered Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints. Massage therapy is a clinically-oriented healthcare option that helps alleviate the discomfort associated with every day occupational stresses, muscular over-use and many chronic pain conditions.
Treatments are covered by most extended health care plans.
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is a form of assisted stretching that focuses on the body's connective tissues, called fascia. Fascia surrounds and supports muscles, bones, and organs.
What can you expect from a FST treatment?
With the patient fully dressed in athletic wear on the table, the therapist moves the body through various pain-free movements to find restrictions and release them while focusing on the patient's breathing.
What are the goals and benefits of FST?
- Release tension in the muscle
- Improve flexibility
- Increasing range of motion
- Aid in recovery & rehab
- Benefit posture
- Boost athletic performance
- Reduce the risk of injury
*FST is unsuitable for anyone with a joint replacement or recent fracture/dislocation.
Cold Laser Therapy
Cold laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), is a safe and pain-free way to treat injuries and many musculoskeletal conditions. This technology speeds up the body’s natural healing process through a cascade of complex physiological reactions; this results in increased cellular regeneration, increased ATP (energy) production, and the release of endorphins (the body’s natural pain killers). This therapy is curative, resulting in improved joint mobility, reduced inflammation, and ultimately the elimination of symptoms such as pain.
Classical homeopathy refers to the original principles of Homeopathic system in which a single homeopathic medicine (also known as constitutional homeopathic remedy) is chosen according to the person as a whole (a person’s constitution – summary of physical signs and symptoms, emotional feelings, mood, sensations, subconscious patterns and person’s characteristics). Homeopathic constitutional care can elicit a profound healing response and can be extremely effective in treating chronic health problems that had seemed incurable.
Homeopathy penetrates deep into the root cause, relieving physical symptoms, mental and emotional imbalances, energy blockages, and correcting the effects this imbalance has had on the body, mind and spirit. It truly is holistic medicine. It can also help activate your essential center of pure potential and help you to function more from your true essence.
Classical Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine based on the philosophy that our body, mind and emotions are all interconnected. Based on this perspective, one of the primary objectives of a classical homeopath is to find the particular constitutional medicine that matches each person’s physical, mental and emotional symptoms and features. The constitutional remedy is selected based on the Law of Similars, taking into consideration the person as a whole, including past and present symptoms.
What can Homeopathy Treat?
Homeopathy can be effective in treating virtually any health issue - from allergies to deep-seated, chronic conditions - regardless of whether the origin is physical, mental or emotional. It is a medicine that is both life-enhancing and revitalizing, bringing harmony to stressed bodies, frazzled nerves and weary spirits.
A well-chosen homeopathic remedy can produce profound improvement in acute conditions by significantly reducing the intensity of symptoms and recovery time. Many common children's complaints, such as bedwetting, colic, earaches, and teething, also respond remarkably well to homeopathy. Many women find great relief with homeopathic treatment during pregnancy and childbirth and with menstrual irregularities, PMS and menopausal symptoms.
Homeopathic treatment can be particularly useful in deep-seated, chronic conditions that have developed over a long period of time, frequently accompanied by a general deterioration of health. Homeopathy can help reverse the limitations of chronic disease and maintain long-term health.
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